Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sorry For the Delay...

I'm so sorry I haven't posted in awhile; not only because I want to keep our family, friends, and followers informed, but also because I have started thinking of this as a journal.  One that Graham can eventually read to know what went on, one that I can read to remember how far we have come, and one that Jordan can read many years later so that she knows what her Daddy went through so that he can be a better Daddy.
I went back to work this week thinking that I would be fine...HA!  I am a perfectionist in my classroom about my teaching (not so much about my desk or paperwork for those of you rolling your eyes), I always make sure I put my students first.  Now when my husband is in the hospital not doing well and my daughter is starting to break down, I start to stress and fumble to make it all work.  So again, I'm sorry I haven't called, texted or posted; but my family's life and my job came first.
What a week it's been.  The roller coaster has gone from big peaks and valley's to one of those kiddie coasters that give you whip lash with all the tiny ups and downs.  Come to find out, Graham had an infection or pneumonia in his lungs.  Glad I did not know about that, would have passed out more than once!  Don't ask about the first time, just a little embarrassing.  But everyday his X-Rays keep looking better and better.  Dr. Meyer, his surgeon, came in this morning and talked about just how good they looked - woo hoo!   I did get a glimpse of the X-Ray and I'm curious to know a little more about them.  More to come on that once Dr. Rosenblatt comes in.  His 2 chest tubes are still in.  They are just draining like crazy, but again, the Dr. says it's normal for CF Transplant patients.
The main concern is still his pain and swelling.  Graham has become so much better at taking his pain meds, he's finally succumbed to us telling him...the more comfortable you are the quicker you'll heal and the less it'll hurt to cough.  But now, it seems the narcotics are working against him and causing him to be constipated.  So now, bring on all the nice tasting laxatives...poor guy, just not catching a break.  Then there is the swelling; still there and still annoyingly painful.  It is very difficult for him to bend his arms and feed himself.  And now, it seems to be starting to head south (not move, still ever present in head, arms and chest) down through his thighs.  The worst part is his stomach, his belly is so tight and causing so much pain they are running a series of X-Rays to make sure it is all ok.  So far, today and yesterday's X-Rays were good, nothing seems to be out of the ordinary.  Then one more bump, he's back on oxygen at night.  Now this scared me when I finally got to come see him at 1 am and he has his cannula's back in, but it is due to his snoring that he has because of the swelling in his throat.  WILL THIS SWELLING JUST LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!
I feel so much better now that I get to see my baby and talk to him.  We have never been apart this long without talking...I seem to be saying this a lot about my little family :(  I hate not knowing what is going on with him and if I had to do it all over again, FMLA the entire time!  Then again, there is our little princess that needs her Mommy too.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh! Well, I'm sure you are doing the right thing. It's just hard to manage it all. I'm sure little one does need her mommy at this age. So, hang in there! You are doing a great job! Tell Graham this is his chance to be waited on...he better take advantage and tell everyone exactly what he want/needs!!
