Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Getting Sick of These Bad Days!

Healing, with whatever you are healing from, is a roller coaster.  The highs are high, the ups are encouraging, and the lows suck. Graham started decreasing on Friday and just kept going down until his low reached a bottom yesterday.  I felt my heart in my throat and numbness all over (I did have our awesome school nurse check me out - I was a little high, but OK), why are these low days lasting so long!
His pain seemed like it kept increasing.  Even with all the "Good Things" happening (2 chest tubes out, pain IVs out, change of neck line) it still was getting worse and Graham began to get very frustrated.  Then Sunday came with all the nurses that were a few bricks short of a wall.  Seriously, why are you in a profession that is very time oriented and you don't know how to get things done in a timely, orderly manner.
Graham's orders to go upstairs into a regular room came at 11:30, the woman kept making excuses of why he was not moving.  Come to find out, she just didn't know how to do anything.  She kept complaining how busy the ICU was, but since I'd been there everyday for 6 days, I could see over half of the beds were empty, yet they still had the same number of nurses.  Then he gets in his new room, and again, Nurse not the brightest crayon.  But he made it through the night with his Mom's help.  So happy she stayed with him because he kept getting worse.  His swelling went up, pain increased, kidney functions increased and congestion got worse. 
By the next day Dr Rosenblatt wanted to scope him a day early.  His X-Rays did not look so hot.  They found a polyp in his throat - which is causing so much pain when he eats, and several polyps in his lungs.  They took samples of the lung polyps to have them biopsied and suctioned out his lungs.  Dr. ordered more Physical Therapy and made sure he was on a Mechanical Soft Diet to help him eat.  They said they would play around with his meds again to get his kidney functions to lower.  So good thing, they are working really hard with getting his insides to work well.  But his swelling is getting worse and even his eyelids began to swell again; therefore he can't feed himself.  So his Mom stayed another night.
Good reports from his Mom today.  Today's X-Ray came back looking great and his Rejection Test came back negative...hopefully this means things are starting to look up again.  He walked several laps around the 10th floor and was able to eat most of his breakfast!  I can't wait to see him tonight, I haven't seen or spoken to him since Sunday.  He's too tired to talk on the phone and our sweet little girl is starting to take all this no parent stuff hard.  She just doesn't understand why she can't see her Mommy and Daddy.  Her teacher's at school said she cried a lot of the day for us yesterday.  When I went to pick her up, she asked if she could go to Daddy's hospital to see him.  BROKE MY HEART!  So we went to eat ice cream and then had a playdate with her best friend.  It helped tremendously...today she only cried a little in the morning and didn't cry when I left her at her school.  Hopefully I get a good report from her teachers today.  Looking forward to no more pain in my family.

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