Monday, October 25, 2010

Why Not Add One More...

Yes, I know, it's been awhile.  Not posting my excuses.  Graham has been doing great!  Everytime he goes to the doctor, only good things come out of it. So good in fact (still crying over this one) that Dr. Rosenblatt is NOT renewing his handicap placard.  No more close movie spots, Wal-Mart parking, and what hurts the worse, no more close parking during the holiday season!!!  His current placard ends in November (what!!!!), all because the Dr. says, "He needs more exercise."  Please, Wifey needs to shop too!  But, I will trade Graham's health over 2 miles of walking to the mall.
Graham went again to clinic today.  Lung functions were up to 60% (omg!!!), every little step is soooo awesome.  His levels of anit-rejection meds have been all crazy though. Friday they were really high, and today were really low.  Don't know if they will ever level out, but what's changing the medicine box every few days when you get a whole new lease on life.
And because of this whole new lease on life, Graham has become the energizer bunny.  Up at the crack of dawn, running and playing and doing whatever until he goes down around 10.  This last week, he's walking around moping, thinking he's hit this "brick wall" and has the doctor test him for colds, infections, etc.  when all it was...HE WAS TIRED!  Hello...people do need rest.  New lungs or not, you can't just go and go and go.  Lesson learned, we think.  But again, he was dragging wife and child all over the place over the weekend.  We had a great weekend planned: breakfast at "Our Place," pumpkin patch with cousins, then birthday cook out for our sister-in-law (this was just Saturday).  We had a great breakfast and were on our way to the patch when we learned that it was closed.  This was not ok for Graham...he began looking up more pumpkin patches and didn't settle until we found one.  Thankfully it was right by our house.  By the time we got there though, it closed due to weather.  So we headed on down to Cleburne and made a day playing with my side of the family.  We talked, played, ate, carved pumpkins (Graham's was NOT G Rated...those that know him, most likely received the picture) and had a blast.  Thank you Andrea for such a fun party!  On Sunday, we went to Church for the first time as a family in a very long time.  It was so nice.  I have been waiting for this day for a really long time.  We get in our Sunday best, get to church, sit in the pew and Jordan looks at me, "Momma, I need to go potty."  Are you kidding me...ugh - I decided to wait.  Five minutes later we smell her toot.  I ask if she still needs to go and she says yes.  So we depart.  After a successful potty trip we are on our way back down the aisle, pastor giving announcements (so congregation quiet) and Jordan starts hollering, "DADDY, I POO POOED IN THE POTTY!"  at least 3 times.  Several people congratulated her - Welcome Back Johnston's to Church!
After church we met our friends at the Pumpkin Patch and J had a blast.  She bounced, and mazed, and rode a pony...she listened to stories, rode a hay ride and a Daddy piggy back ride.  The highlight was picking her own pumpkin.  We had such a great weekend!  I would have NEVER imagined doing all this pre-transplant and still having Graham up and sitting next to me (with energy) today.
But sadly, my duties of care taker are not over.  Our poor little Boston Terrier might lose his eyeball :( He and our other dog, who is significantly bigger, were playing.  Bo accidentally bit Roscoe's eye.  Roscoe is blind, and we are now medicating the fool out of his eye trying to save it.  Thank you to Cassie for driving and helping us take care of our sweet boy.  Poor dogs can't play with each other anymore.
But it's been a great couple of weeks.  His Aunt Sharon came and helped out the first week I went back to school.  Thank you sooo much!  She drove him all over the metroplex...doctors, cars, alarms.  Probably more than she bargained for, but they had some great times.  And now his Dad is here.  Graham has been released to do almost everything (doctor even says for a haircut too - hahahaha), but the company is nice to have - so thank you Dad!

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