Monday, November 15, 2010


Imagine: Sitting in bed, relaxing, thinking...I might get to go home today - home, where I want to be more than anywhere else in the world.  Frustrated at the events that have taken place in the last week.  Frustrated that there was actually nothing you could do to prevent them, and almost nothing you could do to prevent them again.  But nonetheless, you feel completely fine.  Then over the loud speaker you hear an all call RRT to room 1005, RRT to room 1005.  You realize, hey, that's me...then in comes every nurse, doctor, tech available rushing into your room.
Yep, that was Graham this morning.  Graham's Potassium Levels were so high he was at risk for Cardiac Arrest.  They poked and prodded him, drew more blood and made him drink some nasty tasting medicine, and now is hooked back up to a heart monitor.  The scary part about all this, he couldn't feel a thing.  He felt completely fine.  How are we to know now when he needs emergency care before it's too late?
He was given a list today of all the foods that are high in potassium.  I do believe that the list for foods that are not high in potassium is much smaller, and leaves no guess work.  Chicken and rice, I think that's it.  But then again, he still has to watch his sodium too. 
So here we are again, watching levels...waiting for the doctor to say the magic words: "You may go home."  I really don't want him going home before they fix his problems though.  I would like him home safe and sound please.

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