Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sick x 3

Well, it happened, we are all sick with colds.  And if I were one to point fingers, which I'm not, Graham had it first.  I do have to say, it's really weird watching and hearing him cough again.  Before, I would get some dirty looks from passer-byers when I was doing nothing for him as he looked like he was dying from his regular cough.  For those of you who have never witnessed a CF coughing spell, they cough for about 30 - 60 seconds, turn purple, and are gasping for air.  Yes, the first couple of years into our relationship, I would get all concerned, rub his back, (freak out in my head) but learned that there was really nothing I could do, that this was normal.  Plus, he really hated those who asked if he was ok, so I learned to back off.  Rubber neckers however, they would always give him either sympathetic looks or phrases and give me an evil glare as I played with either my phone, food, or whatever was around.
Now, it's a different story all together, he's NOT supposed to be coughing like that anymore!  The other day, he sat on Jordan's bed and did one of his classic turn purple, cough for 30 - 60 seconds, spells. And right then, I felt like one of those onlookers, I didn't know what to do...I gave him sympathetic words and looks.  I felt so bad for him.  WHY CAN'T I JUST LEAVE MY GERMS AT WORK, and Jordan's at the Daycare!!!  So the plan was, disinfect the entire house.  Would have been great, but now I'm sick (Jordan too - that means Mommy is up at all hours of the night), and I feel like doing almost nothing.  And on Vacation too!  UGH!
Graham is over it, except for something called "Post Nasal Drip" and he hacks and coughs all the time.  Jordan is on antibiotics for an ear infection, and I'm drowning myself in NyQuil and DayQuil to get myself through the day.  Oh and Roscoe still gets ointment in his eye 3-4 times daily.  God, Please keep Bocephus healthy, no more sickies!!!  It's getting annoying!
Graham went to clinic on Monday and got a mixture of good and bad news.  His lung functions are up to 66% and his potassium level is good.  His Coumadin levels are not where they want them, so he had to be careful not to get cut, or it would've been a bleeder.  And his lungs were a sounded a bit rattle-ey (hey, if the doctor can use that word, so can I).  I can't tell you how nervous I was that he would not be coming home again.  Luckily though, Dr. Rosenblatt just wanted to do a bronchoscope on him to see how everything looks and clear him out a little.  And that's where he is today.  He had to be there before the sun was even up at 6:00 am.  His Mom just took him to work and since he'll be done at Noon, she'll just bring him on home too.  I will post soon on the results, fingers crossed everything looks great and once Graham's lungs are nice and unclogged, he'll feel better and cough less.
Goal: To be healthy by tomorrow, Thanksgiving.  Will be pumping Jordan and I with LOTS of Vitamin C.  We wish a HAPPY THANKSGIVING to everyone!

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