Sunday, September 19, 2010

Better Day

I have always been a BIG believer in prayer.  I've seen it work so many times with Graham alone, and last night was no different.  I'm sorry for such a downer entry, but I don't want to paint a picture that is just not there.  But thank you, thank you, thank you for all of y'alls kind thoughts and prayers for Graham last night; they have definitely made an impact.  After the Longhorn's beat Tech last night, you could see his mood improve a little (it always makes him feel good to see the Horns win) and we began to tell Jordan stories.  If you have never met her, she is the silliest little girl - she definitely has her Daddy's personality, so the stories are endless.  And by the end of the night, you could tell his spirits were lifted and prayers were answered.
This morning he awoke in a much better mood.  We said more to each other in 5 minutes, then we did the first 3 hours of my visit yesterday.  And he had some humor back...the poor IV Services Nurse kept setting him up for inappropriate comments.  Luckily she had a great sense of humor too, she just laughed and stroked his ego by telling him he's the funniest patient ever. He even attempted "strip tease" music while taking his shirt off so she could change the needle out in his port.  Unfortunately for him, it takes 5 minutes to take off his shirt and you just can't do that seductively.
He's also starting to feel better about his swelling.  Dr. K-part (I have NO CLUE how to spell that man's name, but that's how you say it) is pretty much done with his job, so enter new doctor in charge of his kidneys.  Another amazing doctor with a great personality.  His main job is to keep Graham's kidney functions normal and work on the swelling.  And the more and more he keeps telling Graham that the swelling will go down, the more Graham believes him.  Graham's kidney functions have now been decreasing for 2 straight days that the doctor is now going to see what he can do about the swelling.  They are going to let his kidney's rest one more day, then see if he can handle some diuretics and the doctor's "special trick" through his IV to get the swelling down.
The chest tube is still draining a lot, and chances of it getting pulled tomorrow are slim; but you never know.  Neither of us can wait, as soon as it's pulled, he's home!  Today we have been busy buying things to keep us busy the first couple of weeks.  Even though he does not have his new phone yet, it already has all of it's accessories purchased and ready for pick up - got to love in store pick up!  You buy - so no chasing wild 2 year old through out store, then pick up in store - so no shipping cost!  Then I bought the prettiest Orange Tulip bulbs...ready to be planted for a nice May blooming.  It's nice to be talking about the future again.  We've been stuck in the present for almost a year now.  We are now 99.9% sure that we have a future, and that's an awesome feeling! Thanks again for all of the kind thoughts and uplifting prayers, and please continue; we are so appreciative of them and pray for all of you daily too!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad he is feeling more chipper! It makes things so much easier for you. I feel sure the doctors and nurses are taking good care of Graham. I just want to make sure you are taking good care of you! Glad you are feeling better today!
