Monday, September 20, 2010


Not really much has changed since Sunday, Graham is really tired, still swollen, still with chest tube.  But there is talk of bigger and better things!  Dr. Meyer's wanted to talk to Dr. Rosenblatt on his thoughts on pulling the tube.  It is very evident that Dr. Rosenblatt wants it pulled, so fingers crossed.  But it is never that easy...he is still draining, not a lot, but enough to keep it in.  Then he also has fluid in his right lung.  Now here's a bit of interesting information; normal lungs are not connected, they are two separate organs working together.  Transplant lungs are connected, therefore fluid can go between the lungs as it pleases.  That's annoying.  So where Graham has a tube trying to drain his left lung, the fluid got smart and moved to his right...ugh!  He just needs to start coughing more and more to try and get it out that way.  But he is in pain.  He no longer feels the pain from his chest tubes, now he feels his incision and rib cages.  He imagines that it's from where the surgeon was scraping his ribs to get his old lungs out - OW!
The new Kidney Doctor started his secret weapon today...something through his IV that should pull the fluid out of Graham's vessels and tissues.  Then he's going to take 2 different diuretics to try drain it all through urination.  Fingers crossed that this works!
So many reasons Graham could be tired; doctors are saying that this is "Normal in this phase of healing" but we have a different theory.  The man hasn't slept in 6 weeks!  The nurses and techs and doctors are in and out of the room messing with him every hour.  Oh we can't wait until he's home.  He'll be more comfortable, sleep better, and be able to see his little family everyday - the best medicine in the world.
I'm still holding on to a little hope that he comes home this week!  Our duct's have been cleaned, carpet's cleaned, house head to toe deep cleaned, and the dog's and their beds have been bathed.  WE ARE READY!!!

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